Monday 21 April 2014

Season 1, Episode 3: Breaking Free

By now, we know Scott the vet is actually rather close with the Flemings, and that Ty likes to look out
for Amy.  One character I neglected to talk about from the last two episodes is Mallory, whose family
is friends with the Flemings.  She seems to visit fairly regularly, and does a good job of filling in the
role of the child who just runs her mouth.  Her talkative nature allows her to make the subtleties of the
show more obvious, which isn't necessarily a bad thing.  If anything, it's another reason for why
Heartland feels so real.  Children in general point out the obvious, whereas adults tend to over-think
things and under-communicate.

Sunday 20 April 2014

Season 1, Episode 2: After the Storm

In a sense, episode 2 picks up with what is previously established or hinted at, and it executes with grace.
The sub-plots are simple and they play out predictably, but the acting, the overall atmosphere, and the hints
that continue to be dropped here and there all hold my interest tight.

Season 1, Episode 1: Coming Home

I first heard about Heartland through a brief commercial while watching Dragon's Den, and even though I
didn't seem the least bit interesting, I eventually decided to look into it. Why? Because I was yearning for a 
modern series that was set in a rural area, and even as an ignorant city dweller, I was aware that rural Canada 
had some of the world's most gorgeous scenery.  And given that Heartland has been running for 7 seasons 
now (soon to be 8), I figured it had to have been at least somewhat good, to get as far as it did.

Saturday 19 April 2014

Welcome to Heartland TV

Hey everyone!  So recently I've recently been watching Heartland.  I was hesitant to give it a chance at first, but once I decided "less thinking and more doing" and started, I ended up loving it so much that, well, here I am now, dedicating a freaking fan blog to it.  Yeah, it's a guilty pleasure if I ever had one, because everyone else I know thinks it's super lame (even though they haven't watched so much as a minute of it).

So basically, this is what you can expect from this blog:

Episode impressions: I intend on seeing this series through to the end, so I may as well share my thoughts about it as I go along.  These will inherently contain spoilers.

Season reviews: When I was researching about this series in my "should I watch this" phase (which really consists of googling "heartland cbc review"), I realized there weren't many impressions to go through.  I thought I may as well contribute an additional source of reference, for other people who are on the edge about Heartland and for the existing fanbase.  These shall contain a spoiler-free section, for those not interested in reading what I thought of the details.

Miscellaneous things: Basically whatever else you might expect from a blog dedicated to a TV show.  Character profiles, updates about the series and its actors, etc.

Look forward to future posts.  :)