Hey everyone! So recently I've recently been watching Heartland. I was hesitant to give it a chance at first, but once I decided "less thinking and more doing" and started, I ended up loving it so much that, well, here I am now, dedicating a freaking fan blog to it. Yeah, it's a guilty pleasure if I ever had one, because everyone else I know thinks it's super lame (even though they haven't watched so much as a minute of it).
So basically, this is what you can expect from this blog:
Episode impressions: I intend on seeing this series through to the end, so I may as well share my thoughts about it as I go along. These will inherently contain spoilers.
Season reviews: When I was researching about this series in my "should I watch this" phase (which really consists of googling "heartland cbc review"), I realized there weren't many impressions to go through. I thought I may as well contribute an additional source of reference, for other people who are on the edge about Heartland and for the existing fanbase. These shall contain a spoiler-free section, for those not interested in reading what I thought of the details.
Miscellaneous things: Basically whatever else you might expect from a blog dedicated to a TV show. Character profiles, updates about the series and its actors, etc.
Look forward to future posts. :)
Whatever happened to this blog? Did you stop watching the show?